
FOLK Programs

Self-Management Program

Youth Empowerment Club called FOLK – Friends of Lord Krishna, aimed at crystallizing the formative phase of the younger generation with critical values that guide them throughout their lives. Some vital and practical knowledge has been inherited from the time-tested Vedic wisdom and is woven into a methodical course called “Self-Management Program”.

Eight relevant and interesting topics will be taught over 8 Sessions. You will be receiving meditation kit, goodies and course completion certificate by registering for this course. Not just that you will be part the FOLK Community – a community of students pursuing and wide range of academic courses as well young professionals from varied domains, youth festivals and fun excursions. 


The topics are:

  • Art of Mind Control

  • Focus

  • Yoga for modern Age

  • God – Imagination or reality?

  • Why bad happens to good people

  • Who am I?

  • Stress Management

  • Overcoming fear

  • Handling Competition

  • Power of Habits


Art of Mind Control

The thoughts generated by the mind are so powerful that they are capable of transforming our future.
For the one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be his greatest enemy.
This Workshop will help you to harness the untapped potential of the Mind…


In this session, you get to know

  • What is mind?

  • Need for controlling mind.

  • Different functions of mind.

  • What is conscious mind & subconscious mind?

  • Techniques of mind control.


Learn how to avoid distractions and work with absolute focus. Converge your energy into a single point. Harness the power of a focused mind and achieve unparalleled outcomes.


In this session, you get to know

  • Why it is important to have a focused mind?

  • Three Principles of Focus.

  • Power of the focused mind.

Yoga for Modern Age

When we think of Yoga, we generally think of some old bearded yogi standing on his head, or more recently people in athletic clothing posing serenely, or a class full of people stretching on yoga mats. People who are unfamiliar with the Vedic tradition of yoga see it as an exercise program or a way to relieve stress. But actually, the meaning of yoga is far beyond any of the physical gymnastics we tend to associate with the word.

In this session, you get to know

  • Why does the deeper meaning of Yoga. Self-Confidence matter?

  • The purpose of performing Yoga – far beyond just the physical benefits

  • Different types of yoga systems.

  • The most feasible form of Yoga system.

  • Higher dimensions of yoga – yoga for mind & soul too

God – Imagination or reality?

The existence of a supernatural power has always been an intriguing topic for both philosophers and scientists.


In this session you get to know

  • Has everything in nature come by chance? Decoding the chance theory!

  • Is everything working automatically without any controller?

  • Laws without a Law-maker! An interesting thought

  • What do scientists say about the existence of supernatural power or a personal God beyond human comprehension?

Why bad happens to good people?

Science has discovered that nature obeys laws from microscopic to macroscopic levels. Do laws also govern human nature? Have you ever wondered why someone is born rich and someone poor? Why do sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things to bad people?


In this session you get to know

  • What is the cause of disparities in society?

  • Why the ignorant are not excused?

  • Three Types of Action

  • Way forward to a more responsible life.

Who am I?

How well do you know yourself? Do you hear conflicting inner voices that put you into confusion?

Explore definitive solutions to these problems in the Who am I? Session:

Highlights of the session:

  • Techniques to manage your emotions like anger etc.

  • Solve the Problem of Identity Crisis ‘Who Am I?’

  • Are you and the mind the same? Or is there any difference?

  • Learn about Consciousness.

Stress Management


In this session, you get to know

  • What is stress?

  • Analytics of Stress Management.

  • Ways to reduce stress.

Overcoming Fear

Self-confidence is vital in almost every aspect of our lives, yet many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can become a vicious cycle: people who lack self-confidence are less likely to achieve the success that could give them more confidence.


Self-confidence is vital in almost every aspect of our lives, yet many people struggle to find it. Sadly, this can become a vicious cycle: people who lack self-confidence are less likely to achieve the success that could give them more confidence.

In this session, you get to know

  • Why does Self-Confidence matter?

  • Analytics of lack of confidence

  • Ways to build your confidence.

  • How to overcome the trap of over-confidence?

More Information

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